In a beauty world that’s constantly expanding and evolving, new technologies can
take us in a myriad of directions—some involving advanced cosmetic ingredients,
others using less-invasive techniques beauty tools. But a growing number of innovations involve
new tools that take your complexion-improving routine to the next level—in
particular, devices designed to be used alongside beauty products for added
benefits, whether that be reducing fine lines or improving the appearance of pores.
There are a lot of devices on the market making skin-improving promises, but we
spoke to dermatologists about which ones they personally use and recommend for
at-home use. Here’s what they had to say:

How Radiofrequency Devices Can Boost Collagen in the Skin
This wand from Stacked Skincare uses argon gas-filled electrodes to create oxygen
in the skin, killing bacteria that cause acne. “The wand works to prevent pimples and
help them go away faster,” says dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Joshua
Zeichner, who calls the device a “must-have” for anyone struggling with breakouts.
He suggests a treatment about three times per week for best results, but each
session only lasts a couple minutes.
The HiSkin is a little different than other skin-care devices because it requires a
companion smart mirror (of which there are a few available options) to function.
Once connected, the two devices work together to analyze the face and provide
recommendations for your routine, such as identifying fine lines, wrinkles,
roughness, dark circles, spots, and pore size. It also gives you an overall analysis of
the skin, which can be seen on a display on the mirror.
Another device that takes the guesswork out of your skincare regimen is this
moisture meter from SkinBeautyLogic. It reads the moisture levels of your skin,
which is important because too many acids and other drying products can lead to
dehydration—”which in turn contributes to premature aging,” says board-certified
dermatologist Farhaad Riyaz. This device can identify these issues by pressing
against the skin, then displaying the results on the device’s screen.

Skin Tightening (Laser) Treatment for a Tighter, Brighter Complexion
LED devices can take your complexion up a notch by stimulating the skin’s collagen
production, which can make it appear plumper and more youthful. They’re a bit of a
time commitment, though: Worden suggests using them for about five to 15
minutes, twice a day, on your full face and neck (including the hands). The device
comes with multiple tip attachments for spot treatments.
For those who want a more high-tech approach, the HiSkin can be combined with its
companion smart mirror to add microcurrent and LED modes for even more
impressive results. The two devices are linked through Bluetooth, meaning you can
click one button on the device and the other will start working automatically. You
can also change modes on the fly, so you can switch between RF and other options
without ever having to leave your seat. You can even add your favorite beauty
products to the mix—as long as they’re oil-free. Just remember to sanitize all your
tools thoroughly before and after each use, with a gentle disinfectant like Barbicide
or a soluble chemical powder.

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