Poker, unlike many other games, can be particularly challenging for beginners. Not so much for the rules and mathematics, which certainly require a good knowledge, but above all for a whole series of mistakes that are easy to make due to inexperience and can affect the good or bad outcome of a hand and therefore of the entire game.

Choose the right variant!

As we know in poker there are many variations: our advice is to try them all, but then choose only one and focus on that.

Don’t lose sight of your bankroll

All the more reason if you are a beginner in poker, our suggestion is to start playing low amounts and thus refine strategies and knowledge of the game: you can afford to make mistakes without them costing too much. After all, only by making mistakes can you learn!

What are the most common mistakes?

Poker often leads beginners to a number of common mistakes. Being able to correct them already increases the level of performance and therefore the possibility of success. Let’s see them together:

Watch your hands

The first mistake that every beginner makes is dictated by enthusiasm. Who among us sitting at a table for the first time did not immediately have the instinct to want to play all hands? The more experienced players know that carefully selecting the hands with which to play, call, raise is the wisest choice.

Aces and high pairs are the dream of every player, but we also know that during a tournament there will be very few important hands and many marginal ones. So how do you select the hands to play in? A good choice can be made based on your position: certain hands out of position are to be avoided, but in position they take on another value. And in this regard we ask ourselves …

Does location matter?

There are those who argue that position is sometimes more important in a game than the cards themselves. And when you think about it, he’s not completely wrong. Let’s see why with two examples:

  • You have a low pair and are first in a 9-player table. What to do? Do you aim to raise knowing that there are 8 other players who could counter-raise and put you in trouble or do you fold by passing a good point?
  • Same situation, but last of the same table. At that point, when it’s your turn, all the other players will have already made their choice and yours, on the other hand, can be tailored.

Better to dare or to observe?

Poker rewards the daring, and the reason is simple: you can win two ways by betting, calling in one. Yet all beginners make the same mistake: they come into play by just calling and thus passing not only to weak, but also to passive players. Not always observing rewards … in poker you also need a good dose of audacity!

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